Time Module

Custom date/time input handlers for Parameters.


Uses locale.setlocale() if alternate locales are specified, which may cause problems on some systems. Using alternate locales in this manner should not be used in a multi-threaded application, as it will lead to unexpected output from other parts of the program.

If you need to handle multiple locales and this is a problem for your application, then you should leave the locale parameters empty / None and use a proper i18n library like babel for localization.


Doug Skrypa

class cli_command_parser.inputs.time.different_locale(locale: str | Tuple[str | None, str | None] | None)[source]

Bases: object

Context manager that allows the temporary use of an alternate locale for date/time parsing/formatting.

Not using python:calendar.different_locale because it results in incorrect string encoding for some locales (at least on Windows).

class cli_command_parser.inputs.time.DTInput(locale: str | Tuple[str | None, str | None] = None, fix_default: bool | Any = True)[source]

Bases: InputType[T], ABC

dt_type: str
classmethod __init_subclass__(dt_type: str = None, **kwargs)[source]

dt_type – Used in InvalidChoiceError / ValueError messages

locale: str | Tuple[str | None, str | None] | None
abstract choice_str(choice_delim: str = ',', sort_choices: bool = False) str[source]
fix_default(value: str | T | None) T | None[source]
class cli_command_parser.inputs.time.DTFormatMode(value, names=None, *, module=None, qualname=None, type=None, start=1, boundary=None)[source]

Bases: MissingMixin, Enum

FULL = 'full'

The full name of a given date/time unit

ABBREVIATION = 'abbreviation'

The abbreviation of a given date/time unit

NUMERIC = 'numeric'

The numeric representation of a given date/time unit

NUMERIC_ISO = 'numeric_iso'

The ISO numeric representation of a given date/time unit

class cli_command_parser.inputs.time.CalendarUnitInput(*, full: bool | Any = True, abbreviation: bool | Any = True, numeric: bool | Any = False, locale: str | Tuple[str | None, str | None] = None, out_format: str | DTFormatMode = DTFormatMode.FULL, out_locale: str | Tuple[str | None, str | None] = None, fix_default: bool | Any = True)[source]

Bases: DTInput[str | int], ABC

classmethod __init_subclass__(min_index: int = 0, **kwargs)[source]
choices(sort: bool = False) Sequence[str][source]
choice_str(choice_delim: str = ',', sort_choices: bool = False) str[source]
format_metavar(choice_delim: str = ',', sort_choices: bool = False) str[source]
abstract parse_numeric(value: str) int[source]
parse(value: str) int[source]

Parse the date/time unit from the given value.

This method does not use python:datetime.strptime() because it is not accurate for standalone numeric weekdays.


value – The value provided as input


The numeric unit value

__call__(value: str) str | int[source]
dt_type: str = None
class cli_command_parser.inputs.time.Day(*, full: bool | Any = True, abbreviation: bool | Any = True, numeric: bool | Any = False, iso: bool | Any = False, locale: str | Tuple[str | None, str | None] = None, out_format: str | DTFormatMode = DTFormatMode.FULL, out_locale: str | Tuple[str | None, str | None] = None, fix_default: bool | Any = True)[source]

Bases: CalendarUnitInput

parse_numeric(value: str) int[source]
dt_type: str = 'day of the week'
class cli_command_parser.inputs.time.Month(*, full: bool | Any = True, abbreviation: bool | Any = True, numeric: bool | Any = True, locale: str | Tuple[str | None, str | None] = None, out_format: str | DTFormatMode = DTFormatMode.FULL, out_locale: str | Tuple[str | None, str | None] = None, fix_default: bool | Any = True)[source]

Bases: CalendarUnitInput

parse_numeric(value: str) int[source]
dt_type: str = 'month'
class cli_command_parser.inputs.time.TimeDelta(unit: Literal['days', 'seconds', 'microseconds', 'milliseconds', 'minutes', 'hours', 'weeks'], fix_default: bool | Any = True)[source]

Bases: InputType[timedelta]

__call__(value: str | int | float) timedelta[source]
fix_default(value: int | float | timedelta | None) timedelta | None[source]
format_metavar(choice_delim: str = ',', sort_choices: bool = False) str[source]
class cli_command_parser.inputs.time.DateTimeInput(formats: Collection[str], locale: str | Tuple[str | None, str | None] = None, earliest: datetime | date | time | timedelta | None = None, latest: datetime | date | time | timedelta | None = None, fix_default: bool | Any = True)[source]

Bases: DTInput[DT], ABC

classmethod __init_subclass__(type: Type[DT], **kwargs)[source]
formats: Collection[str]
property earliest: DT | None[source]
property latest: DT | None[source]
parse_dt(value: str) datetime[source]
parse(value: str) DT[source]
choice_str(choice_delim: str = ' | ', sort_choices: bool = False) str[source]
format_metavar(choice_delim: str = ' | ', sort_choices: bool = False) str[source]
__call__(value: str) DT[source]
locale: str | Tuple[str | None, str | None] | None
dt_type: str = None
class cli_command_parser.inputs.time.DateTime(*formats: str, locale: str | Tuple[str | None, str | None] = None, earliest: datetime | date | time | timedelta | None = None, latest: datetime | date | time | timedelta | None = None, fix_default: bool | Any = True)[source]

Bases: DateTimeInput[datetime]

locale: str | Tuple[str | None, str | None] | None
dt_type: str = 'datetime'
class cli_command_parser.inputs.time.Date(*formats: str, locale: str | Tuple[str | None, str | None] = None, earliest: datetime | date | time | timedelta | None = None, latest: datetime | date | time | timedelta | None = None, fix_default: bool | Any = True)[source]

Bases: DateTimeInput[date]

locale: str | Tuple[str | None, str | None] | None
dt_type: str = 'date'
class cli_command_parser.inputs.time.Time(*formats: str, locale: str | Tuple[str | None, str | None] = None, earliest: datetime | date | time | timedelta | None = None, latest: datetime | date | time | timedelta | None = None, fix_default: bool | Any = True)[source]

Bases: DateTimeInput[time]

locale: str | Tuple[str | None, str | None] | None
dt_type: str = 'time'
cli_command_parser.inputs.time.dt_repr(dt: datetime | date | time, use_repr: bool = True) str[source]
cli_command_parser.inputs.time.normalize_dt(value: datetime | date | time | timedelta | None, now: datetime = None) datetime | None[source]