
Configuration options can be specified as keyword arguments when initializing Commands. It is also possible to provide either a dictionary of options or an instance of CommandConfig.

Command Metadata

The following options cannot be provided in a CommandConfig object or config dictionary, and must be specified as keyword arguments when defining a Command subclass. All of these options are optional:


SubCommand value that should be mapped to this command, if different than this class’s (lower, camel case) name. Only used when the Command is a subcommand of another Command. If necessary, it is possible to prevent automatic registration as a subcommand choice entirely by using choice=None (additionally, no value should be provided for choices).


SubCommand values to map to this command. Similar to choice, but accepts multiple values. A mapping of {choice: help text} may be provided to customize the help text displayed for each choice.


The name of the program (default: based on sys.argv[0] or entry_points or the name of the file in which the Command was defined)


The name of the program / title to use in documentation


Usage message to be printed with help text or when incorrect arguments are provided (default: auto-generated)


Description of what the program does. If the Command contains a class-level docstring, then that value will be used unless this parameter is provided.


Text to follow parameter descriptions


Help text to be displayed as a SubCommand option. Ignored for top-level commands.


A dict or CommandConfig object containing the config options (see below) to use. May not be combined with separate kwargs that would be stored in a CommandConfig object.

Configuration Options

Configuration options supported by CommandConfig. For convenience, they may also be specified as keyword arguments when defining a Command subclass:

Error Handling Options


The ErrorHandler to be used by Command.__call__() to wrap Command.main(), or None to disable error handling. Defaults to extended_error_handler. See Error Handling for more details.


Whether Command._after_main_() should always be called, even if an exception was raised in Command.main() (similar to a finally block) (default: False)

Parameter Options


Whether inferring Parameter types from type annotations should be enabled (default: True). When enabled/allowed, if a type annotation is detected for a given Parameter, then it will be used as if that type had been specified via type=.... When both an annotation and an explicit type=... are present, then the type argument takes precedence. When disabled, type annotations will not be inspected. If no type is specified, then the default type (usually str) for that Parameter will be used.

ActionFlag Options


Whether multiple action_flag methods are allowed to run if they are all specified (default: True)


Whether action_flag methods are allowed to be combined with a positional Action method in a given CLI invocation (default: True)

Parsing Options


Whether unknown arguments should be ignored (default: False / raise an exception when unknown arguments are encountered)


Whether missing required arguments should be allowed (default: False / raise an exception when they are missing)


Whether the parser is allowed to backtrack or not when a Positional parameter follows a parameter with variable Nargs, and not enough arguments are available to fulfil that Positional’s requirements (default: True)


How the default long form that is added for Option/Flag/Counter/etc. Parameters should handle underscores/dashes. See OptionNameMode for more details. Defaults to using underscores to match the attribute name. May be overridden on a per-Parameter basis with name_mode.


[EXPERIMENTAL] Whether ambiguous combinations of positional choices should result in an AmbiguousParseTree error. Defaults to False. Some combinations of positional parameter choices may pass this check, but still be problematic during parsing. Since this is still experimental, there may be false positives. If a false positive is detected, this should be set back to False to disable the check (and please report it in the issue tracker so it can be fixed!).


How potentially ambiguous combinations of short forms of Option/Flag/etc. Parameters should be handled. See AmbiguousComboMode for more details. Defaults to allowing potentially ambiguous combos to exist as long as they are provided in their entirety. May be configured to behave more like argparse (ignore any potential problems and perform a best effort parse), or to be strict and reject potentially ambiguous short forms from even being defined.

Usage & Help Text Options

Options that affect what is shown in the usage and help text output. Some of these options also affect RST documentation generation as well.


Whether the --help / -h action_flag should be added (default: True)


Whether the metavar for Parameters that accept values should default to the name of the specified type (default: False / the name of the parameter)


Whether default values for Parameters should be automatically included in help text or not, and related settings. Acceptable values are defined as enum flags that can be combined. May be overridden on a per-Parameter level by using the show_default param. See ShowDefaults for more info.


Whether Parameters that support reading their values from environment variables should include the variables’ names in their help text. May be overridden on a per-Parameter level by using the show_env_var param.


Controls how subcommand aliases (alternate choices specified for a given Command class that is registered as a subcommand / subclass of another Command) should be displayed in help text and documentation. Supports SubcommandAliasHelpMode values (or string equivalents). Alternatively, a format string for aliases may be provided here.


Whether Parameter choices values and Action / Subcommand choices should be sorted (default: False)


Delimiter to use between choices in usage / help text. Defaults to |.


Whether there should be a visual indicator in help text for the parameters that are members of a given group. See Group Formatting for more info. (default: False)


Whether mutually exclusive / dependent groups should include that fact in their descriptions (default: True)


A callable that accepts 2 arguments, a Command class (not object) and a CommandParameters object, and returns a CommandHelpFormatter (or a class that implements the same methods).


A callable that accepts a Parameter or ParamGroup and returns a ParamHelpFormatter (or a class that implements the same methods).


Whether the program version, author email, and documentation URL should be included in the help text epilog, if they were successfully detected (default: True)


Width (in characters) for the usage column in help text. Defaults to 30.


Minimum width (in characters) for the usage column in help text after adjusting for group indentation / terminal width. Defaults to 20.


Wrap the basic usage string after the specified number of characters, or automatically based on terminal size if True is specified instead.

Documentation Generation Options

Options that only affect RST documentation generation.


Whether the top level script’s docstring should be included in generated documentation (default: True)


Whether inherited descriptions should be included in subcommand sections of generated documentation (default: False)


Maximum subcommand depth to include in generated documentation (default: include all)