Rest Api Wrapper

usage: {show|sync|find} [--verbose [VERBOSE]] [--env {dev|qa|uat|prod}] [--help]

Positional arguments



Show an object


Sync group members


Find objects

Optional arguments

--help, -h

Show this help message and exit

Common options

--verbose [VERBOSE], -v [VERBOSE]

Increase logging verbosity (can specify multiple times)

--env {dev|qa|uat|prod}, -e {dev|qa|uat|prod}

Environment to connect to (default: 'prod')


Subcommand: show

Show an object

usage: show {foo|bar|baz} [--verbose [VERBOSE]] [--env {dev|qa|uat|prod}] [--help] [--ids ID [ID ...]]

Positional arguments


The type of object to show

Optional arguments

--help, -h

Show this help message and exit

--ids ID [ID ...], -i ID [ID ...]

The IDs of the objects to show

Common options

--verbose [VERBOSE], -v [VERBOSE]

Increase logging verbosity (can specify multiple times)

--env {dev|qa|uat|prod}, -e {dev|qa|uat|prod}

Environment to connect to (default: 'prod')

Subcommand: sync

Sync group members

usage: sync [--verbose [VERBOSE]] [--env {dev|qa|uat|prod}] [--help] [--dry-run] [--all] [--role {all|admin|user}] [--group GROUP]

Optional arguments

--help, -h

Show this help message and exit

--dry-run, -D

Print the actions that would be taken instead of taking them

Common options

--verbose [VERBOSE], -v [VERBOSE]

Increase logging verbosity (can specify multiple times)

--env {dev|qa|uat|prod}, -e {dev|qa|uat|prod}

Environment to connect to (default: 'prod')

Mutually exclusive options

--all, -a

Sync all groups

Optional arguments

--role {all|admin|user}, -r {all|admin|user}

Sync members with this role (default: 'all')

--group GROUP, -g GROUP

Sync members for this group

Subcommand: find

Find objects

usage: find {foo|bar|baz|bazs} [--verbose [VERBOSE]] [--env {dev|qa|uat|prod}] [--help] [--limit LIMIT]

Positional arguments



Find foo objects


Find bar objects


Find baz objects


Alias of: baz

Optional arguments

--help, -h

Show this help message and exit

--limit LIMIT, -L LIMIT

The number of results to show (default: 10)

Common options

--verbose [VERBOSE], -v [VERBOSE]

Increase logging verbosity (can specify multiple times)

--env {dev|qa|uat|prod}, -e {dev|qa|uat|prod}

Environment to connect to (default: 'prod')

Subcommand: find foo

Find foo objects

usage: find foo QUERY [--verbose [VERBOSE]] [--env {dev|qa|uat|prod}] [--help] [--limit LIMIT]

Positional arguments


Find foo objects that match the specified query

Optional arguments

--help, -h

Show this help message and exit

--limit LIMIT, -L LIMIT

The number of results to show (default: 10)

Common options

--verbose [VERBOSE], -v [VERBOSE]

Increase logging verbosity (can specify multiple times)

--env {dev|qa|uat|prod}, -e {dev|qa|uat|prod}

Environment to connect to (default: 'prod')

Subcommand: find bar

Find bar objects

usage: find bar [--verbose [VERBOSE]] [--env {dev|qa|uat|prod}] [--help] [--limit LIMIT] [--pattern PATTERN] [--all]

Optional arguments

--help, -h

Show this help message and exit

--limit LIMIT, -L LIMIT

The number of results to show (default: 10)

--pattern PATTERN, -p PATTERN

Pattern to find

--all, -a

Show all (default: only even)

Common options

--verbose [VERBOSE], -v [VERBOSE]

Increase logging verbosity (can specify multiple times)

--env {dev|qa|uat|prod}, -e {dev|qa|uat|prod}

Environment to connect to (default: 'prod')

Subcommand: find baz

Find baz objects

usage: find baz [--verbose [VERBOSE]] [--env {dev|qa|uat|prod}] [--help] [--limit LIMIT] [--foo NAME] [--bar ID]

Optional arguments

--help, -h

Show this help message and exit

--limit LIMIT, -L LIMIT

The number of results to show (default: 10)

Common options

--verbose [VERBOSE], -v [VERBOSE]

Increase logging verbosity (can specify multiple times)

--env {dev|qa|uat|prod}, -e {dev|qa|uat|prod}

Environment to connect to (default: 'prod')

Filter Choices (mutually exclusive)

--foo NAME, -f NAME

Find baz objects related to the foo object with the specified name

--bar ID, -b ID

Find baz objects related to the bar object with the specified ID

Subcommand: find bazs

Find baz objects

usage: find bazs [--verbose [VERBOSE]] [--env {dev|qa|uat|prod}] [--help] [--limit LIMIT] [--foo NAME] [--bar ID]

Optional arguments

--help, -h

Show this help message and exit

--limit LIMIT, -L LIMIT

The number of results to show (default: 10)

Common options

--verbose [VERBOSE], -v [VERBOSE]

Increase logging verbosity (can specify multiple times)

--env {dev|qa|uat|prod}, -e {dev|qa|uat|prod}

Environment to connect to (default: 'prod')

Filter Choices (mutually exclusive)

--foo NAME, -f NAME

Find baz objects related to the foo object with the specified name

--bar ID, -b ID

Find baz objects related to the bar object with the specified ID