Helpers for handling ``nargs=...`` for Parameters.
:author: Doug Skrypa
from __future__ import annotations
from typing import Any, Collection, FrozenSet, Iterable, Optional, Sequence, Set, Tuple, Union
__all__ = ['Nargs', 'NargsValue', 'REMAINDER', 'nargs_min_and_max_sums']
REMAINDER = type('REMAINDER', (), {})()
NARGS_STR_RANGES = {'?': (0, 1), '*': (0, None), '+': (1, None), 'REMAINDER': (0, REMAINDER)}
SET_ERROR_FMT = 'Invalid nargs={!r} set - expected non-empty set where all values are integers >= 0'
SEQ_ERROR_FMT = 'Invalid nargs={!r} sequence - expected 2 ints where 0 <= a <= b or b is None'
NargsValue = Union[str, int, Tuple[int, Optional[int]], Sequence[int], Set[int], FrozenSet[int], range, type(REMAINDER)]
class Nargs:
Helper class for validating the number of values provided for a given :class:`.Parameter`. Unifies the
handling of different ways of specifying the required number of values.
Acceptable values include ``?``, ``*``, and ``+``, and they have the same meaning that they have in argparse.
Additionally, integers, a range of integers, or a set/tuple of integers are accepted for more specific requirements.
__slots__ = ('_orig', 'range', 'min', 'max', 'allowed', 'variable', '_has_upper_bound')
_orig: NargsValue
range: Optional[range]
min: Optional[int]
max: Optional[int]
allowed: Collection[int]
variable: bool
def __init__(self, nargs: NargsValue): # pylint: disable=R0912
self._orig = nargs
self.range = None
if isinstance(nargs, int):
if nargs < 0:
raise ValueError(f'Invalid {nargs=} integer - must be >= 0')
self.min = self.max = nargs
self.allowed = (nargs,)
elif isinstance(nargs, str):
self.min, self.max = self.allowed = NARGS_STR_RANGES[nargs]
except KeyError as e:
raise ValueError(f'Invalid {nargs=} string - expected one of ?, *, or +') from e
elif isinstance(nargs, range):
if not 0 <= nargs.start < nargs.stop or nargs.step < 0:
raise ValueError(f'Invalid {nargs=} range - expected positive step and 0 <= start < stop')
self.range = nargs
self.allowed = nargs
self.min = nargs.start
# As long as range.start < range.stop and range.step > 0, it will yield at least 1 value
self.max = next(reversed(nargs)) # simpler than calculating, especially for step!=1
elif isinstance(nargs, set):
if not nargs:
raise ValueError(SET_ERROR_FMT.format(nargs))
elif not all(isinstance(v, int) for v in nargs):
raise TypeError(SET_ERROR_FMT.format(nargs))
self.allowed = self._orig = frozenset(nargs) # Prevent modification after init
self.min = min(nargs)
if self.min < 0:
raise ValueError(SET_ERROR_FMT.format(nargs))
self.max = max(nargs)
elif isinstance(nargs, Sequence):
self.min, self.max = self.allowed = a, b = nargs
except (ValueError, TypeError) as e:
raise e.__class__(SEQ_ERROR_FMT.format(nargs)) from e
if not (isinstance(a, int) and (b in _UNBOUND or isinstance(b, int))):
raise TypeError(SEQ_ERROR_FMT.format(nargs))
elif 0 > a or (b not in _UNBOUND and a > b):
raise ValueError(SEQ_ERROR_FMT.format(nargs))
elif nargs is REMAINDER:
self.min, self.max = self.allowed = (0, REMAINDER)
raise TypeError(f'Unexpected type={nargs.__class__.__name__} for {nargs=}')
self.variable = self.min != self.max
self._has_upper_bound = self.max not in _UNBOUND
def __repr__(self) -> str:
return f'{self.__class__.__name__}({self._orig!r})'
def __str__(self) -> str:
rng = self.range
if rng is not None:
return f'{rng.start} ~ {rng.stop}' if rng.step == 1 else f'{rng.start} ~ {rng.stop} (step={rng.step})'
elif not self._has_upper_bound:
return f'{self.min} or more' if self.max is None else self.max.__class__.__name__
elif self.min == self.max:
return str(self.min)
elif isinstance(self.allowed, frozenset):
return f'{{{",".join(map(str, sorted(self.allowed)))}}}'
return f'{self.min} ~ {self.max}'
def __contains__(self, num: int) -> bool:
"""See :meth:`.satisfied`"""
return self.satisfied(num)
def __eq__(self, other: Union[Nargs, int]) -> bool:
if isinstance(other, Nargs):
return self._eq_nargs(other)
elif isinstance(other, int):
return self.min == self.max == other
return NotImplemented
def _eq_nargs(self, other: Nargs) -> bool:
if not self._has_upper_bound:
return other.max is self.max and self.min == other.min
elif not other._has_upper_bound:
return False
elif isinstance(other._orig, type(self._orig)):
return self.allowed == other.allowed
# After this point, the allowed / range attribute types cannot match because the originals did not match
if isinstance(self.allowed, frozenset):
return self._compare_allowed_set(other)
elif isinstance(other.allowed, frozenset):
return other._compare_allowed_set(self)
rng = self.range or other.range
return self.min == other.min and self.max == other.max and (not rng or rng.step == 1)
def _compare_allowed_set(self, other: Nargs) -> bool:
Used internally to determine whether 2 Nargs instances are equivalent when they were initialized with different
types of arguments.
allowed = self.allowed
if other.range is not None:
try_all = other.min in allowed and other.max in allowed
return try_all and all(v in allowed for v in other.range) # less mem than large set(other.range)
return allowed == set(other.allowed)
def __hash__(self) -> int:
return hash(self.__class__) ^ hash(self._orig)
def satisfied(self, count: int) -> bool:
Returns True if the minimum number of values have been provided to satisfy the requirements, and if the number
of values has not exceeded the maximum allowed. Returns False if the count is below the minimum or above the
For more advanced use cases, such as range or a set of counts, the count must also match one of the specific
numbers provided for this to return True.
if self._has_upper_bound:
return count in self.allowed
return count >= self.min
def max_reached(self, parsed_values: Collection[Any]) -> bool:
:param parsed_values: The value(s) parsed so far for a Parameter.
:return: True if ``parsed_values`` has a length and that length meets or exceeds the maximum count allowed,
False otherwise.
if self._has_upper_bound:
return len(parsed_values) >= self.max
return False
def has_upper_bound(self) -> bool:
return self._has_upper_bound
def upper_bound(self) -> Union[int, float]:
return self.max if self._has_upper_bound else float('inf')
def nargs_min_and_max_sums(nargs_objects: Iterable[Nargs]) -> tuple[int, Union[int, float]]:
min_sum, max_sum = 0, 0
iter_nargs = iter(nargs_objects)
for obj in iter_nargs:
min_sum += obj.min
if obj._has_upper_bound:
max_sum += obj.max
max_sum = float('inf')
for obj in iter_nargs: # If any had no upper bound, then this loop will complete the min total
min_sum += obj.min # Otherwise, it will not have anything to iterate over
return min_sum, max_sum